Runner Safety Guidelines
Running etiquette is an important piece to any successful run. The way we conduct ourselves can ingratiate us to other runners, as well as the communities we run in. Not to mention, using good running etiquette will help whether at a Run North County group run, an event, or a run in your neighborhood.
We believe that while we run hard, and play equally hard, how we live and run is the most important piece to our running.
To this point, we have created the following runner's guidelines that we suggest all runner's use while out running.
PLEASE NOTE: All runs listed on Run North County follow all current state and county guidelines, and group run participants are asked to do the same.
Suggested RNC Guidelines for Safe Running
Always make sure that you are healthy enough to participate in the runs and walks whether running with a group run, or on your own. If you are unsure, check with your physician to get a checkup.
Make sure that you wear the appropriate footwear and gear for the running terrain and conditions so that you are comfortable and safe throughout your run or walk.​
Always obey traffic laws and use sidewalks and designated running/walking surfaces when available and appropriate.​
We don't recommend running with music. We realize that many runners use music. If you do use music, be sure that your volume is set to a level where you can hear your surroundings, traffic, and other runners and walkers.
If you’re unsure of the course at a group run, check in with the run leader before heading out to run so they can provide more details and help you to better understand the suggested course.
On a group run, it’s always good to follow the directions provided by the run leader for yours, and the rest of the group’s safety and fun!​
Always use common sense. If something doesn't seem correct and safe, make an adjustment to a more conservative and safer option.
Safety is always a top concern at all of our runs, and we believe that having a fun run starts with having a safe run. These guidelines have been designed to help ensure just that.